I can’t believe the hiatus lasted more than a year. And what a piece to come back with.
I’ve long believed that Chengdu is a city with a thousand faces. While some chapters try to capture the depth of a single face, Garrett’s piece focused on the variety available. You can find just about anything you want in Chengdu, if you know where to look.
I was also blessed to get permission from Travis to use many of his photos. His expertise was absolutely necessary to visualizing the aspects of Chengdu that Garrett describes.
We hope to avoid such long breaks in the future.
—Jacob Wanuch

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Garrett H. Jones is an American writer who has called Chengdu home since 2007. He has four beautiful kids, two cats, four rabbits, one hampster, and a partridge in a pear tree. Garrett runs a high-end translation company in Chengdu that focuses on native English proofreading and English messaging for Chinese media, academia, and enterprise.
Travis is an American in Chengdu and editor of Thirty Six Magazine for amateur photography. www.36mag.com